Adverse Health Effects and Unhealthy Behaviors among Medical Students Using Facebook. Time spent linked to isolation from family/community, refusing to answer calls, pain. Time spent on Facebook linked with "holding urination and defecation, skipping meals" http://buff.ly/1dIMh3Q
YouTube as info source for adenotonsillectomy/ear tubes: Viewer "likes" did not correlate with content quality http://buff.ly/1f8RaWQ
Objective Analysis of Public's Response to Medical Videos on YouTube. The sad conclusion: quality doesn't improve engagement http://buff.ly/1a8nYvI
"Instagram envy" and FOMO (fear of missing out) - Instagram as the biggest culprit among social networks http://buff.ly/1fcUjFl
Social media use by patients with glaucoma: what can we learn? http://buff.ly/19ziSvS
Twitter classification model: the ABC of two million fitness tweets. http://buff.ly/JEqX8p
Twitter for breast cancer prevention: majority of tweets did not promote any specific preventive behavior http://buff.ly/19zj6D2
The Anatomy of a Scientific Rumor (started as a tweet) http://buff.ly/19zjnpE
What are the most Google-searched symptoms of 2013? Pregnancy, Influenza, Diabetes, Anxiety, Thyroid... http://buff.ly/1fRLmSN
Instead of calling 911, a father did Google search for "rolling eyes in back of head" (his son died after forced exercise (pushups and squats) http://buff.ly/19KuHPX
"Facebook is not just on the slide - it is basically dead and buried" - anthropologist on the research team http://buff.ly/19Rhuoj
Academic blogging is part of online attention economy, leading to unprecedented readership http://buff.ly/Kawdkf
Rheumatologist cured his mid-life crisis with Twitter - see how: http://buff.ly/1cJZokO
Facebook-augmented partner notification in a cluster of syphilis cases (study) http://buff.ly/JHxjUO
"Texting the Way to Reduced Diabetes Risk" - but only 40% of participants were still enrolled after 14 weeks http://buff.ly/JHxAHm
The articles were selected from Twitter @DrVes and and RSS subscriptions. Please feel free to send suggestions for articles to clinicalcases at gmail.com and you will receive an acknowledgement in the next edition of this publication.
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