Tenosynovitis caused by mobile devices: NEJM and Lancet chase cheap publicity with names such as “WhatsAppitis, Nintendinitis, Wiitis”. All are against the disease nomecluature based on anatomical organs http://buff.ly/1iMDvbq
Just 1 in 4 U.S. Teens Gets Enough Exercise http://buff.ly/1cDAmXH
A Mediterranean diet enriched with EVOO but without energy restrictions reduced diabetes risk http://buff.ly/1cDAyq4
Cost-Effectiveness of Treatment of Diabetic Macular Edema: VEGF inhibitor injections with or without laser treatment http://buff.ly/1cDACpH
"Handshakes are germ bombs" - CDC estimates that 80% of all infections are transmitted by hands http://buff.ly/1crXJjS
Sleeping during the day - a necessity for those who work overnight shifts - disrupts 30% of genes http://buff.ly/1cUNIvS
Sunlight Might Be Good for Your Blood Pressure - nitric oxide stored in the top layers of skin reacts to sunlight http://buff.ly/1cUOeKm
Truck Drivers Top List of Overweight Workers – also, salespeople, office workers. Obesity by occupation: 12% of doctors, dentists are obese vs. 39% of truck drivers, 33% of police workers http://buff.ly/1cUOBVh
Obesity May Shorten Lives By 4 Years http://buff.ly/1dUfKMs - It's even worse in middle age: obese middle-aged people die 7 years sooner
Healthcare Personnel Attire: “Bare below the elbows” (BBE) may be recommended for inpatient setting http://buff.ly/1cUPTzp
25-Minute Delay in School Start Time May Help Teens: improved sleep and daytime mood http://buff.ly/1dUgIZ6
How Inactivity Changes the Brain http://buff.ly/1cUQtNR
What’s the best remedy for a cold? Prevention. Holiday airplane travel is an almost certain way to increase one’s risk of a cold http://buff.ly/1dUhCF5
The articles were selected from Twitter and my RSS subscriptions. Please feel free to send suggestions for articles to clinicalcases AT gmail.com and you will receive acknowledgement in the next edition of this publication.
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