Healthcare social media #HCSM - top articles

Here are my suggestions for some of the top articles related to healthcare social media in the past 2 weeks:

Understanding Research Impact and 20 Strategies To Enhance The Impact Of Your Research

BMJ Learning gets social - British Medical Journal platform learns new tricks in this brave new social media world

Doctors' Use of iPads Becoming Mainstream (not my impression). Also, physician-only social networks remain stagnant

Heart Rhythm Society 2012 Scientific Session in the Age of Twitter

"Healthcare Going To The Dogs" - a video for training hospital administrators and

Cleveland Clinic starts a blog called "Health Hub" - competing with the aging consumer portal of

JAMA will link 10 AMA journals like a group blog - all names will start with “JAMA”, for example, Archives of Surgery will become “JAMA Surgery”

Cultivate followers on social media if you want to communicate science

From the blogs Soapbox Science and Medical Museion :

"Social media platforms can be very limiting. For example, can you define genotype and phenotype in 140 characters or less? If you want to use social media to communicate effectively, you need to drive readers somewhere.

Writing a blog gives substance to your social media presence. You have the opportunity to talk about science in a meaningful way, which ultimately helps people better understand the world around them. Answering those questions is probably why you got into science in the first place. Don’t be afraid to share what you’ve discovered."

The articles were selected from my Twitter and Google Reader streams. Please feel free to send suggestions for articles to and you will receive acknowledgement in the next edition of this publication.
