Hand-Held Treatment for Overdoses Is Approved: hand-held device, called Evzio, delivers a single dose of naloxone http://bit.ly/1j7QaW0
Global prevalence of obesity has doubled in past 30 years, from 4·8% to 9·8% in men, 7·9% to 13·8% in women http://bit.ly/1j7V3yo
Robespierre: the oldest case of sarcoidosis? The Lancet http://bit.ly/1j7VFEc
Stem cell scientist guilty of falsifying data http://buff.ly/1iY9Hbk - Feel good news stories/photos were misleading http://buff.ly/1iYa3P9
World's population is ageing rapidly at unprecedented rate: % of people over 60 years will double to 22% by 2050 http://bit.ly/1j7W09U
10 things electronic medical records won’t say - WSJ MarketWatch http://bit.ly/1hfIAKt
A History of Suicide and the Philosophies Against It - Lancet book review http://bit.ly/1ehabVY
Uric Acid is a Risk Predictor for Erectile Dysfunction: 1 mg/dL increase associated with 2-fold increase in ED risk http://bit.ly/1hfKuLb
Life With a Dog: You Meet People - NYTimes on health benefits of having a dog as a pet http://bit.ly/1e62kQq
Don't close blog comments on your site. See how one comment changed influenza treatment: http://buff.ly/1hDJ2MN and http://buff.ly/1i5b3le
Average person misplaces up to 9 items a day, 30% spend 15 minutes each day searching for items http://buff.ly/1ip7lTz
Is your car making you sick? 700 different kinds of bacteria within car interiors vs. 60 in the average public toilet http://buff.ly/1ip7JRU
The articles were selected from Twitter and my RSS subscriptions. Please feel free to send suggestions for articles to clinicalcases AT gmail.com and you will receive acknowledgement in the next edition of this publication.
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