Epinephrine May Be of No Survival Benefit in Cardiac Arrest - NEJM Journal Watch http://buff.ly/1ntp0do
Albiglutide (Tanzeum), glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonist, approved for diabetes type 2 (weekly injection) http://buff.ly/1mcxxkW
More than 90% of people with Hepatitis C (HCV) can be cured. The cost and pricing of drugs is contentious http://buff.ly/1ipbzKU
A vast number of diabetes apps exist, but the majority combine only 1-2 functions in one app http://buff.ly/1eLJWgc
Eating modest amounts of legumes — peas, chickpeas, beans and lentils — reduces LDL by 5% http://buff.ly/1ip7ZjO
Educational Toolkit for Diabetes and Cardiovascular Risk: printed educational materials were not effective http://buff.ly/1eLKz9A
Negative social, physical and mental health effects of childhood bullying are still evident nearly 40 years later http://buff.ly/1ntoufx
Most of us have hundreds of Neanderthals' genes but they are "turned off" via epigenetics http://buff.ly/1ntoDzJ
The Public Health Crisis Hiding in Our Food: hypertensions as "chronic sodium intoxication". Americans on average take in 3,300 mg of sodium per day, but experts recommend less than 2,300 mg. The reason that nearly everyone eats too much sodium: our food is loaded with it, and often where we don’t taste it. Many restaurant entrees have far more sodium than is recommended for an entire day. http://buff.ly/1mtZx6p
To the surprise of critics, federal regulators approve powdered alcohol. Weighing only 1 oz, it's more portable than a bottle http://buff.ly/1iJ2RqV
Intuitive Surgical earnings fell 77% on a steep decline in sales of its da Vinci robotic-surgery systems http://buff.ly/1k5j49R
Children with IBS Face 4 Times the Risk for Celiac Disease http://buff.ly/1k5j9uf
How malaria defeats our drugs | Mosaic http://buff.ly/1f248dM
Fast-Food Disasters: The 5 Worst Lunch Foods http://buff.ly/1k5l3Li - Pizza: Sodium supreme, Hot dog: Bad fat on a bun.
Top Hospitals Open Up to Chinese Herbs as Medicines - Cleveland Clinic, Northwestern, NorthShore - WSJ http://buff.ly/RLjGrO
The articles were selected from Twitter and my RSS subscriptions. Please feel free to send suggestions for articles to clinicalcases AT gmail.com and you will receive acknowledgement in the next edition of this publication.
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