Best of Medical Blogs - weekly review and blog carnival

The “Best of Medical Blogs - weekly review and blog carnival” is a weekly summary of the best posts from medical blogs. Feel free to send your suggestions to my email at Best of Medical Blogs (BMB) is published every Tuesday, just like the old Grand Rounds.

Cycling for doctors and patients

Dr. Mandrola reviews Strava app that uses GPS information collected from a smartphone or Garmin device to track your numbers. Beware: Always racing up segments can quickly lead to over-training and excess inflammation. That’s both bad and silly. Becoming a slave to kilojoules burned or personal-best power risks squeezing the fun out of exercise. That’s worse than bad or silly. A Mandrola axiom: never take the fun out of fun stuff. If you come to Louisville, you can stomp up the Sleepy Hollow Climb and see how you stack up against “an aging cardiac electrophysiologist.”

Three things about Healthcare Social Media

Ed Bennett shares three things he's learned about Healthcare Social Media: Our patients are ahead of us, Real change start at the top, Social media is more than the sum of its parts

Dr. Rob: A Funny Thing Happened on the way to Meaningful Use: My dream of universal acceptance of EHR has turned sour

Phil Baumann: I hope that there is never ever going to be a “Facebook for Healthcare”

Are hospitals into social media? Here is a worldwide map:

The Social MEDia Course: The First Graduate

Information overload: average computer user checks 40 websites a day, 60% of adults addicted to the internet

A day in the life of a clinical scientist - and the 4 reviewers of his article

Millions of Healthcare Hashtags in the Symplur project - a vast database of information that can mined

Comments from Twitter:

Heidi Allen @dreamingspires: @DrVes thanks for the shout out on best of blogs!
