Best of Medical Blogs - weekly review and blog carnival

The “Best of Medical Blogs - weekly review and blog carnival” is a weekly summary of the best posts from medical blogs. Please email your suggestions for inclusion to Best of Medical Blogs (BMB) is published every Tuesday, just like the old Grand Rounds.

Every 10 years scientific evidence causes a reversal of established medical practice in 40% of reported studies

Doctors and the Means of Production | The Health Care Blog

Maybe we should build upon the model of doctor-ownership and turn over public hospitals to their workers. All of them. Let the nurses buy in. And the food handlers. And the “environmental services” folks (i.e. custodial crews). Let’s really let the workers own the means of production. Then we can see where incentives get us.

Dr. Wes: Our first quarter's pay this year compared to last year was recently disclosed and the results were striking

Dr. Wes’ HRS2013 Pre-meeting Reflections: How I can spend the time upbeat knowing that the relative value of the work that heart rhythm specialists do was cut at least 30% on 1 January 2013, thanks to new billing codes that bundled multiple codes into one? Can I afford to be here?

I do not say this lightly. Our first quarter's pay this year compared to last year was recently disclosed and the results were striking. Guys like me who have devoted years to our training, stood at bedsides for countless hours, and endured training that finally ended at age 36 (counting a brief two-year hiatus for a general medical officer stint as an ER physician for the US Navy), got a whopping 30% cut from CMS for the much of the procedure work we do, stealthy cloaked in codes.

"It's not about the nail" - by the Irish rhematologist Dr. Ronan Kavanagh:

Video by Jason Headley:

Texting at Night: Teens, Smartphones, and Sleep

1. Observe your teen’s sleep habits.
2. Take the texting device at night.
3. It is critical for us, as parents, to demonstrate the priority of sleep.
