“Forgiveness is the most powerful thing that you can do for your physiology and your spirituality. Yet, it remains one of the least attractive things to us, largely because our egos rule so unequivocally.

To forgive is somehow associated with saying that it is all right, that we accept the evil deed. But this is not forgiveness. Forgiveness means that you fill yourself with love and you radiate that love outward and refuse to hang onto the venom or hatred that was engendered by the behaviors that caused the wounds.” ~Wayne Dyer


by Dr. Ben Kim~

Back when I ran a fasting clinic and was in an ideal setting to listen - to REALLY listen - for as long as a guest had thoughts to formulate and share,
I distinctly remember the visceral experience of knowing that learning to truly forgive oneself was the most essential requirement for healing.
I can't count the number of people I have worked with over the years who have struggled with a chronic health challenge despite dietary and lifestyle choices that were pristine. In many of these cases, I've found that the missing ingredient for lasting health improvement is insufficient compassion for oneself.
When you have some time alone, I would encourage you to find a comfortable place to sit with a mirror. Do what you can to avoid potential distractions like an incoming text or phone call, and gaze into your eyes.
Have a good long look at your face and allow yourself to connect with how you feel about yourself.
Few of us make time to nurture our own spirit with love, understanding, and forgiveness that are often relatively easy to gift to others.
As you look upon yourself and allow your feelings about your existence to float into your consciousness, if you are not filled with respect, gratitude, and love, consider giving yourself the love, understanding, and forgiveness that Maya Angelou wrote about:
"It is very important for every human being to forgive herself or himself because if you live, you will make mistakes - it is inevitable.
"But once you do and you see the mistake, then you forgive yourself and say, 'Well, if I'd known better I'd have done better,' that's all.
"So you say to people who you think you may have injured, 'I'm sorry,' and then you say to yourself, 'I'm sorry.'
"If we all hold on to the mistake, we can't see our own glory in the mirror because we have the mistake between our faces and the mirror; we can't see what we're capable of being.
"You can ask forgiveness of others, but in the end the real forgiveness is in one's own self."
- Dr. Maya Angelou (April 1928 – May 2014)
I have known people who have not been able to speak lovingly to themselves in the mirror. I've witnessed a number of people break down in trying this exercise, overwhelmed with feelings of being insufficient and unworthy.
I have also observed some of these people work to forgive and better nurture themselves emotionally, and to experience near immediate improvement with their health.
Once you have made progress in the journey of forgiving yourself, you will be far more capable of truly forgiving those who have hurt
If you are struggling with chronic anger or hurt and don't feel capable of forgiving, please feel free to view the following pages: http://drbenkim.com/blog/2006/07/how-to-forgive-someone-who-has-hurt.html
