Nicholas Gonzalez, M.D. – Scientifically No Polio Vaccine was Needed -

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"I remember the hysteria generated in the media by polio, the well-funded advertising campaigns by organizations such as the March of Dimes, relying on, of course, emotional arguments to raise money from “regular” moms and dads and Girl Scout and Boy Scout troops all over the country.

My childhood vision of polio was that of a true catastrophe, threatening the entire population of the United States, with our only hope the dedication and hard work of our wonderful research scientists who were extolled in the press on a near daily basis.

As a fledging research immunologist under Dr. Good somewhat fascinated by DuBos’ perspective, I began to investigate the actual epidemiology and ecology of polio. As I was to learn it turned out that polio “epidemics” as they were called, didn’t really emerge until the late 19th, and early 20th century. 

I had been taught in medical school that the epidemic nature of polio showed itself because of growing population density in urban areas associated with poor sanitation. Though this position seemed logical, since polio transmits through a fecal oral route, the opposite has proven to be the case."
