Study: depression, anxiety and insomnia predicted Facebook addiction http://buff.ly/1haIIbS
Using social media to quantify nature-based tourism: number of photos on Flickr approximate visitation rates http://buff.ly/1abwTx8
Social Media in Radiology: Markedly increased use of the Twitter during the largest international radiology meeting http://buff.ly/1abwsmz
Facebook dependence was found in 8.6% of undergraduate students in Peru, associated with poor sleep quality http://buff.ly/1abx23L
People at risk for suicide may be detected through social media - Tracking Suicide Risk Factors via Twitter http://buff.ly/1haKEkF
Self-affirmation underlies Facebook use - users gravitate toward their FB profiles after receiving a blow to the ego http://buff.ly/1haL4aK
Personality in the Language of Social Media: researches analyzed 700 million words from Facebook http://buff.ly/1abxVJq
Health Information about Dementia on Twitter (study) http://buff.ly/1haM3rF
App analyzes Facebook activities to identify depressed people http://buff.ly/1haMCSj
74% of pharmacy students felt they should edit their social media profiles prior to applying for a job http://buff.ly/1haN2bn
Social Media for Professional Purposes: “How to” Video Guide by Journal of American College of Radiology http://buff.ly/1haNmXp
Are many YouTube seizure videos misleading? Neurologists think so http://buff.ly/1haOhr4
Social Media: How to connect with patients and spread health messages http://bit.ly/1aMYuDK and http://bit.ly/1aMYwvd
The articles were selected from my Twitter and RSS streams. Please feel free to send suggestions for articles to clinicalcases at gmail.com and you will receive an acknowledgement in the next edition of this publication.
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