Mexico Rules Consumption and Cultivation of Cannabis is a Fundamental Human Right

Mexico Cannabis-1
Photo Credit: WakingTimes

'The world is slowly but surely turning the page on one of the most fundamental rights we have on this Earth–the right to consume, cultivate and possess a plant. That right has been stripped away from many populations globally for decades. Days after voters in the US state of Ohio rejected a proposal to legalize cannabis for recreational use, Mexico has ruled that pot, whether smoking, consuming or cultivating is a fundamental human right.

The Mexican Supreme Court ruled by 4 to 1 that banning the consumption and cultivation of cannabis for personal use violates the human right to free development of one’s personality.

“This vote by Mexico’s Supreme Court is extraordinary for two reasons,” says Hannah Hetzer of the US Drug Policy Alliance, which campaigns for the relaxation of drug laws. “First, it’s being argued on human-rights grounds, and secondly, it’s taking place in one of the countries that has suffered most from the war on drugs,” she says.'

