
Top medicine articles for June 2012

Cognitive behavioural treatment may work for low-back pain

3D mammograms may reduce false positives during breast cancer screenings - CNN video

CBO Issues a Major Report on Medicare Advantage Plans--Pours More Fuel on the Private Fee For Service Fire

Episodic hypertension is a strong predictor of stroke risk

Healthcare social media #HCSM - top articles

Run For the Hills, the Doctors Are Coming, the Doctors Are Coming!!!!

Alcohol consumption and raised body mass index (BMI) act together to increase risk of liver disease

New Developments in Treatment of Diabetes Type 2

Mayo Clinic CEO's one-hour presentation on how Mayo Clinic is transforming medicine

Stock market dips linked to heart attack increase

Genital ulcers - 2012 review from Am Fam Physician

Look Up from Your Phone

"Mid-Atlantic Convergence"--The European Government-Run Health Care Systems Are Coming Our Way!

The Beautiful Game can kill you: soccer/football managers and viewers at high risk for heart disease

Best of Medical Blogs - weekly review and blog carnival

Top medicine articles for June 2014

The Cost to Administer Medicare Versus the Cost to Administer Private Health Plans--The Difference Isn't Anything Close to 25%

A Flawed Defense of Medicare Advantage

"AMA Takes on Retail Clinics"--Oh Come On!

A Canadian-Style Health Care System--How Would We Get From Here to There?

Delirium in elderly people - 2014 Lancet review

A Review of the Movie "Sicko"--Michael Moore Blew It!

Ethosuximide and valproic acid are more effective than lamotrigine in childhood absence epilepsy

Acute low back pain: What to do? What works and what doesn't?

A Twitter Chat Connects Medical Experts - Mayo Clinic video

Top articles in medicine in June 2012

Walnut labeled "Supernut" because of high antioxidant conent

New Treatment Regimen for Latent Tuberculosis Infection - once a week, for 12 weeks (CDC video)

Norepinephrine Causes Fewer Adverse Events Than Dopamine in the Treatment of Shock

Will Medicare Advantage Payments Be Cut as Soon as 2008?

Oral ivermectin superior to topical malathion lotion in eradicating difficult-to-treat head-lice infestation

Healthcare social media #HCSM - top articles

Commercial Health Care Cost Trend—Finally Hitting Bottom?

P.S.A. testing can’t detect prostate cancer, says its discoverer

Leading Democratic Presidential Candidates Comment on Health Care This Week

Cavalcade of Risk #28 is Up

Senator Max Baucus Is Crucial to the Health Insurance Industry's Continued Medicare Advantage Funding--But How Sympathetic Is He?

Beyond a hearing aid - Cochlear implants - Mayo Clinic video

Coventry Health--Another Reminder That This Isn't an Easy Business

"Sicko"--Hate it All You Like But Don't Ignore It! The Best Response is to Satisfy the Customer!

Biggest Employers Propose Their Own Health Care Reform Plan––Moving Toward Individual-Based Benefits

Best of Medical Blogs - weekly review and blog carnival

Lawyers Opinion: Risky Business - Tweeting the Symptoms of Social Media

Coventry Health Care--What the Heck Is Going On?

MedPAC Recommends a Reasonable Road Map For Reducing Private Medicare Advantage Payments--Plan Would Equalize Payments Over a Five-Year Period

Constipation - Mayo Clinic patient education video series

The Ultimate Social Media in Medicine Presentation (182 Slides)

Sexual life expectancy is longer for men than women

Wall Street Comes to Washington--A Fascinating Discussion Between Wall Street Analysts and the Washington Health Policy Community

How to make your own infographics with templates by Google

Transparency and Accountability: The Door Swings Both Ways--AMA Releases Its "National Health Insurer Report Card"

What's new in infectious diseases from UpToDate

Electronic Prescribing Decreases Prescribing Errors Seven Fold

Memorable medical textbooks of the past

Industry Trade Association Pledges to Halt Medicare Fee For Service Marketing Until Sales Abuses Are Cleaned Up--But Forgot to Mention One Thing

You Can't Have the Medicare Advantage Private Fee-For-Service Training Wheels Forever

A microscopic look at hotel hygiene makes a microbiologist travel with an impervious mattress cover

Wall Street Journal Sends Shockwaves Through the Health Insurance Markets With the Headline "Health Savings Plans Start to Falter"

New treatment for dry eyes: "LipiFlow" uses heat and pressure to open blocked eyelid oil glands

Can We Control Health Care Costs Without Universal Coverage?

Latest "Health Wonk Review" is Up

Top articles in medicine in June 2012

Sleep Habits Differ by Ethnicity but All Groups Are Sleep Deprived

Wall Street Relieved Democrats Unable to Cut Private Medicare Advantage Payments This Week--Why?

Acyclovir reduces risk of HIV-1 disease progression, if positive for HIV-1 and HSV-2

Why Does Health Insurance Cost So Much in New England?

88-year-old George H.W. Bush: "Maybe they’ll come out with a new drug that makes memory come roaring back"

"I Hear the Train a Comin"--What Does That Johnny Cash Refrain and the Employer-Based Health Care System Have in Common?

Health Wonk Review is Up

Board Exam Studying Tips by Mayo Clinic Cardiologist (video)

McCain to Propose a Health Care Reform Plan--Both Democrats and Republicans Becoming Predictable on Health Care

Best of Medical Blogs - weekly review and blog carnival

Video: "You Can Never Trust Doctors"

The Lancet is alive and kicking on social media networks

"World's Most Connected Man" has 300-700 sensors, devices, apps monitoring his body and surroundings

The Mandate Myth--Health Reform Plans Don't Have to Mandate Coverage to Work But They Do Have Be Affordable

Comparing John McCain's Health Care Plan to Barack Obama's Health Care Plan--What's the Big Idea Difference?