
Will the Lobbyists Make Meaningful Health Care Reform Impossible?

Redefining age 66 - when your job description is "rockstar"

Top medicine articles for June-July 2013

Not what it seems: Desert Island

100-year-old doctor still practicing at UCSF, shares unconventional longevity secrets

Best of Medical Blogs - weekly review and blog carnival

Mayo Clinic on procedure competency: "140 colonoscopies isn't cool. You know what's cool, 275 colonoscopies"

How much heat you can take? 232 years ago, three British gentlemen found out

The Value of YouTube Videos for Cancer Patients - Mayo Clinic

State High Risk Pools For the Uninsured--Who Would Want To Be In Them?

Evaluation of driving risk in dementia - practice parameter update

Wound Closure Adhesive Strips

A Comprehensive and Independent Progress Report on the Massachusetts Health Plan

Mick Jagger celebrates his 70th birthday

What happens when you ask for medical advice on Twitter - CNN's Anderson Cooper knows from experience

Video: Awake Endotracheal Intubation

Required Reading for Health Care Analysts and Coventry Health's "Sort of" Informative Conference Call

Goitre - patient information video by NHS

Takotsubo cardiomyopathy (broken-heart syndrome) in differential diagnosis of chest pain

Medicine's first Nobel laureate

Health Wonk Review for July 26, 2007

If McCain Picks Romney He Will Never Again Be Able to Criticize Obama's Health Plan

Using “microlives” to communicate how your habits may kill you

How to apply sunscreen

Romney Condemns Obama's Health Plan--But Obama's Plan is a Clone of the Massachusetts Plan Romney Signed!

Massachusetts Expected to Further Backpedal on its Individual Mandate

The End of Medicare Private Fee-For-Service--the Questions to Ask the Health Plans During Earnings Season

Is Meaningful Health Care (Or Any Other Kind Of) Reform Possible?

Increasing Diet Polyunsaturated Fat in Place of Saturated Fat Reduces Risk of Coronary Heart Disease

New York AG Objects to Insurer's Method for Ranking Doctors by Cost and Quality--Just What We Need in Health Metrics--Lawyers

Start metformin early when diabetes type II is first diagnosed

How much vitamin D do you need? Distilling strong advice from weak evidence

Bush Reaffirms Veto Threat Over SCHIP Despite Strong Republican Support for Bipartisan Compromise—What’s Really Going On Here?

Exercise is good for you, Mr Bean, even judo class

Mipomersen - antisense technology to lower LDL cholesterol

Neighborhood Determinants of Quality of Life - street lighting, sidewalks, trees, absence of air or noise pollution

"Cavalcade of Risk" is Up Over At "Sentinel Effect"

Secure web messaging between patients and doctors: Not well received

"Government Subsidies That halve Premiums Would Cut Number of Uninsured by 3%"--No Surprise There But it Was the Wrong Question

California Health Care Reform—An Individual Mandate is Nowhere Near as Important as Affordable Health Insurance

Cirrhosis: Phil's story

Exercise may keep you young - how exactly? (DW video)

President Bush is Not Backing Down on His SCHIP Veto Threat

Health Insurance Industry Stupidity—It’s a Rout From Here On Out

The Latest Health Wonk Review is Up

Twitter epidemics - BMJ video

Contact lenses change color when blood glucose increases in diabetics

Two years ago, Jon Lord, legendary Deep Purple keyboard player, "passed from Darkness to Light"

Preventing diabetes, biological passport for athletes and more from the Lancet

Acupuncture can spread serious diseases: bacterial infections, hepatitis B and C, even HIV

What young doctors read

The National Coalition On Benefits' Oppostion to the Wyden-Bennett "Healthy Americans Act"--Maybe They Like It After All?

Video: Cleveland Clinic Doctors

6 (reasonable) things to do in a doctor’s waiting room

Elbow Pain in Adults - 2014 review from Am Fam Physician

Underwriting Cycle or Medical Trend Rate Cycle?

Key Republican Senators Call on President Bush Not to Veto S-CHIP Reauthorization--A President Acting Like He Has Nothing to Lose

"Those Crazy Californians. This Time Its Childhood Obesity."

Glaucoma eye drops drug Latisse used OTC to make long eyelashes but some now face side effects

Cholesterol numbers - Mayo Clinic video