
Medical apps are a wonderful thing but those drug ads may sway doctors' choices

Road office in a box (video)

Cannabis Oil Cures 3 Year Old Boy Of Cancer After Doctors Gave Him 48 Hours To Live

How to Heal Your Thyroid By Healing Your Liver

A Good Idea and Bad Leadership--A Way Out of the Entitlement Crisis Meets Partisan Politics

Bush Ups the Budget Pressure--Shows No Sign of Compromising on SCHIP

In your neighborhood? WSJ lists locations of Cold War-era nuclear manufacturing and research sites

Coconut Oil and Other Saturated Fats Are Essential for Health

How to Make Your Own Strep Throat, Cold and Flu Tonic

Research Takes On Vitamin B Link To More Vivid, Colorful and Even Lucid Dreams

Statins Use in Presence of Elevated Liver Enzymes: What to Do?

Healthcare social media #HCSM - top articles

Pharmageddon: Proof Conventional Medicine is a Killing Machine

8 personal care products may be making you fat and sick

How to Diagnose and Treat Thyroid Disease

What's new in obstetrics and gynecology from UpToDate

Chocolate consumption is inversely associated with coronary heart disease

Stelara (ustekinumab) and Remicade (infliximab) are effective if Enbrel (etanercept) stops working in psoriasis

What can turmeric do applied topically to advanced ulcerating breast cancer?

Its Leaves Contain All Essential Amino Acids, More Iron Than Spinach, More Calcium Than Milk And Seeds That Purify Water

Ayahuasca: This Amazonian Brew May Be the Most Powerful Antidepressant Ever Discovered

In Adolescents, Gratitude Leads to More Success Than Materialism

Tom Jones at 70: "I will sing as long as I possibly can. My enemy is time"

Don’t just swallow, check the evidence first - it applies to diet, medications, and more

Using Cinnamon and Cinnamon Oil to Cure Disease

Depression is not serotonin deficiency

3 Whole Food Supplements Go Beyond Multivitamins

House SCHIP Vote Fails to Attract Veto-Proof Majority

Brain decoding: MRI deciphers brain activity to figure out whether someone has been to the scene of a crime

Interesting Correlation: Fast Food Founders and Longevity

Free Medical Education Resources by the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC)

Study of 3 Psychedelics Finds They Do No Harm but Actually Improve Mental Health

11 Most Common Nutrient Deficiencies


Poll Shows Democratic Presidential Candidates Attracting Independents and Moderates With Their Health Reform Plans

Discussions Regarding Scheduled Physician Fee Cuts and Possible Reductions in Medicare Advantage Payments Getting Serious

Cardiologist: Don't demonize saturated fat (CNN video)

Social media in medicine: How to be a Twitter rockstar and help your patients and your practice

What's new in endocrinology from UpToDate

Essiac Tea for Cancer – Quality Makes a Big Difference

2.6 Billion Pounds of Monsanto’s Roundup Sprayed on US Farmland in 20 Years

New Study Shows Lower Costs in Consumer-Driven Plans--But the Findings Won't Settle the Debate Over Just How Effective C-D Plans Are

Democrats Pushing to Vote on New SCHIP Bill This Week--Bush Starting to Give

Restraint technique could be fatal: Forcing a detainee to bend over while seated can lead to death

Healthcare social media #HCSM - top articles

Science Verifies Folk Medicine. Elderberry Beats the Flu, Prevents Colds, and Strengthens Your Immunity

5 Ways to Combat Heartburn Without Pharmaceuticals

The Fight Over SCHIP Tells Us This Budget Season is Going To Be One Big Food Fight--Medicare Payments to HMOs and Physicians Are in the Middle of It

Top 10 Medical Innovations for 2014 - According to Cleveland Clinic

How to Strengthen Your Nervous System

Rising PSA no cause for alarm

Physicians as a group are leaner, fitter and live longer than average Americans