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Top articles in medicine in May 2012

Drug Reimportation from Canada––The Drug Industry Loves It

How-To: Maintain a correct posture while working on your laptop

Merck, Huff Po, Vaxxed: the censorship connection

Emmy Award Winning Journalist Exposes Corporate Censorship on GMOs and Vaccines in Mainstream Media

"Healthcare Guaranteed"--A Health Care "Solution" Offered Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel

Better Bedside Manners Improve Patient Care, Says Cleveland Clinic Chief Experience Officer

Cheap fast food "enticing people to eat more because they think they're saving money when they're really buying heart disease"

Giuliani, McCain, and Romney--Where Are Their Health Care Plans?

The evolution of a physician's blog

Lavender Essential Oil Uses and its Benefits for Cancer Patients

Prescription drugs cause Raynaud’s disease

AHP Announces a Health Care Reform Initiative and Tells All of the Other Stakeholders What They Ought to Do

Clinton, Edwards, Obama--Offering Health Care Reform Proposals More Similar Than Different

Childhood Obesity--The Washington Post's Five Part Series on an Important Issue

Couple addicted to the internet let their baby starve to death while raising a virtual daughter online

How do you blog?

Best of Medical Blogs - weekly review and blog carnival

Evaluation of Scrotal Masses - 2014 review from Am Fam Physician

Cannabis kicks Lyme disease to the curb

Seniors Now the Fastest Growing Demographic of Cannabis Users

"I'm a Medicare doctor. Here's what I make"

Top medicine articles for May 2014

"Doctors should blog with their real name." Agree or disagree?

First Year Results in Massachusetts' Health Care Reform Undercut Barack Obama's Health Care Reform Strategy

Why You Should Ditch the Flu Shot and Do This Instead

THC Tests Positive as Alzheimer’s Treatment in Israeli Study

Arts and Medicine at University of Chicago and Cleveland Clinic

Vaccines and Pharmaceuticals for Pets Causing More Harm Than Good

Living a Longer Life with Baking Soda

Top articles in medicine in May 2012

Medical blog content and relationship with blogger credentials and blog host

The 10-year rule: you must persevere with learning and practising for 10 years before making breakthrough

Our Daily Dose: The Lunacy of Water Fluoridation

Magic Mushrooms Finally Being Accepted As Viable Treatment For Depression

Oral Tolvaptan (Samsca) Is Safe and Effective Treatment for Chronic Hyponatremia

TED Talks: A new strategy in the war on cancer

Hillary Clinton Outlines the First Elements of Her Health Care Reform Plan

Doctors use Facebook Pages to connect with patients

Healthcare social media #HCSM - top articles

Beware of online "filters" that hide the information you need

Spinach Helps Protect Eyes from Macular Degeneration


New Treatment Effective in Killing Head Lice - benzyl alcohol lotion 5% (Ulesfia)

Room-temperature plasma gases may replace hand disinfectants

Polish Your Online Image, AAMC Advises Medical Students and Residents

$6 Billion for Something Called aQuantive and $1.3 Billion for Chrysler--What's Wrong With This Picture?

Dr Topol to med students: "When I was in medical school, the term "digital" was reserved for the rectal examination"

The CMS Website Comparing Hospital Performance Is a Good Step Forward

Woman Cures Cancer With B17

Homemade Coconut Oil Deodorant Recipe with Essential Oils

Top medicine articles for May 2014

Physically fit students score higher on tests than their less fit peers

Bush Administration Threatens to Veto Democratic Budget if it Doesn't "Address the Unsustainable Growth in Entitlement Spending"--What Chutzpah!!

Hemophilia educational videos by CDC

'Nodding disease' - Sudan and Uganda's incurable child disease with unknown cause

Terminal stage IV lung cancer patient miraculously cured by cannabis oil

12 Proven Natural Therapies to Prevent and Relieve Migraines

Top 10 Most Prescribed Medications

Administrative Costs and the Individual Health Insurance Platform for Health Care Reform

Cell phones and your brain - CNN video